Holburne Park
This brand campaign for a prestigious residential housing development in Bath turned traditional residential housing marketing on its head, moved hearts and minds and (importantly) moved houses.
By establishing an engaging story of outdoor living, a rural setting and treasured experiences, our brand campaign communicated the way that the development would make a purchaser feel rather than simply itemising the bricks and mortar.
Location, location... emotion.
Distinct, impactful and effective, the campaign delivered a dramatic upturn in sales in the first month of launch.
Want to talk about what we can do for you, contact us on: 01225 444 174 or info{at}ignition.uk.com
Parklife. This simple and beautifully executed brand statement provided an instantly recognisable headline around which we could tell the Holburne Park story. Surprising and impactful applications, featuring carefully selected lifestyle imagery, established an identity for the development which was key to the campaign's success.
This distinctly non-traditional positioning defined Holburne Park in the marketplace and achieved an immediate uplift in sales.

We developed a calm, confident and inclusive copy style. A set of signature sign-off lines were introduced across all advertising and sales activity to reinforce our messaging.
The ‘... and breathe’ thought was adapted to all aspects of the Holburne Park story and helped to convey the sense of peace, satisfaction and arrival we wanted purchasers to feel.

To keep the campaign fresh and relevant we provided design direction and strategic inspiration for a wide range of extended marketing activity – emailers, online and press advertising, hoardings, brochure, and website.