This one’s on the house.
The Hop Pole Inn is a 16th century pub, nestled in the Limpley Stoke valley just outside Bath. A few years ago, it reluctantly closed its doors, however thanks to the incredible support of the local community (and beyond), it’s been saved from the wrecking ball and is currently undergoing a full restoration, with a plan to reopen in the summer.
This felt like the perfect opportunity both to help out and to take on a juicy little project, so we offered our services FOC to help rebrand and create the initial marketing material.
Wanting to retain as much of the historic identity as possible we took inspiration from the engraved name on the pub facsia, which we carefully recreated as the logotype. A subtle and sensitive update keeping every element of the pubs character whilst bringing it into the 21st century. Adding the hop provides a useful marque to use throughout the implementation of the brand. Early days and still lots to do, but we’re really looking forward to seeing The Hop Pole Inn open its doors soon – see you in there for a pint! Oh, and they’re still fundraising so still time to invest, check out this link if you fancy (part) owning a pub: www.limpleystokecbs.org/get-inn-volved